Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Blessed I am

Blessed I am for I still enjoy the love of those who are dear to me. Those people who have put up with my mood swings, my very short and bad temper over the years; reminded me today how blessed I was.
below is the testimony of the one that counts the most.

Just in case you ask why he counts the most, here is one of many reasons.


Delirious said...

you have a wonderful son, very polite, well-mannered, and who absolutely adores you. I remember I was very impressed when I met him.

to me, you're the luckiest man in the world :)

may you always be there for each other, F.

Marillionlb said...

Thank you M. and YES I am the luckiest person in the world.

Irish Coffee Recipes said...

Hello mmate nice post