Saturday, August 02, 2008

Hallelujah !

Oh happy day, for those murderous crooks we call politicians took turn late tonight, reassuring us (retarded inhabitants of a country called Lebanon) that they have finally reached an agreement as to the long awaited ministerial statement.
Hallelujah !
The long awaited couple of pages filled with dribble and crap is about to be made public, for all of us (stupid idiots) to analyze and argue over.
What will follow is and endless stream of opinions and ill founded studies as to what this statement (when adopted by the cabinet, or shall I say” kabbineh”) actually means.
All parties are victorious. All parties have registered their own reservations in order to save face and not admit that they have been outsmarted by the greatest evil this land of ours (and of many others for what it seems) , has encountered throughout its long history. Nitpicking over a few words written in the language of imagery and vagueness by excellence, will never dispute the fact that EVIL has won yet another battle. And by evil I specifically point my finger (and the middle one)towards Hizbullah.
As I am writing this text, the “ministerial statement” is not out yet; but I wouldn’t hold my breath, for I know for sure (and I am willing to bet my life) that it will fall short of every single iota of what we once called the Cedar Revolution.
Most of, if not the majority of those morons we call Lebanese will actually believe that “national unity” is now at hand.
Wake up you deranged, amnesiac, selfish, cowardly bastards and realize that the mere mention of the “MOUKAWAMEH” is a capitulation.
An advertisement should be placed in the “al wassit”, reading :
“A country is seeking patriots from all ages. Applicants should have a sense of pride and dignity, firm belief in the history of the motherland, willing to work long and hard hours for the benefits in the long term are well worth it. Syrians and Iranians need not apply.”



Delirious said...
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Delirious said...

You reminded me of a post I wrote in December 2006, et qui est toujours d'actualite bien sur:


(ps: you have to remove the spaces in the link for it to work)

Anonymous said...

Our dear politicians in Lebanon like to take their merry time to make sure that everyone and his mother agrees to every single detail that is being fed to the public as to appear that they have all had their one loses yet no one wins either, our beloved concept of "consensus". This statement is the biggest bunch of bullcrap that was ever conceived by a clique of incompetent and irrelevent politicians. Like any statement previously made any diffrerence you said it so very well...we're being taken for fools and shame on all of us for not standing up and claiming our country back from these bums. We need another revolution and this time a new generation of leaders are needed, not the sort of riff -raff we have these days.