Thursday, April 19, 2012

Parliamentary zoo. A Lebanese find!

The zoo officially opened its doors two days ago and we the people were graced with a vast array of not so domesticated and friendly animals. I am guessing that many of you (like me) have attempted to follow this pitiful spectacle trying find the least beastly of all the animals on display. Even my dog could not stand such dismal display of animosity. As soon as I switched the channel on the TV to the parliamentary debate he hid under the table and meowed in fear.
Many of those animals have exceeded their normal life expectancy and despite their old age are still showing extreme signs of good health; roaring, braying even crowing like they never did before. Some at times took a nap, while some others were eying there next prey. And the so called king of this farce of a jungle sat on his rock occasionally roaring out loud remind all that after 19 years he still is the elder, the iztez.
Wlek TFEH!
TFEH on me first and on all the "sheeple" (the Lebanese that is) that still sit idle, while a bunch of savage animals decide their faith. Nagging does no longer cut it, our voices will never be heard for they are falling (and has been for ages) on not only deaf, but selfish ears.
Wake up and rebel, reclaim you rights; regain your once great culture. Become a nation and reclaim the 10452 Km2 that once were the envy of all our neighbors.

Al sha3b yourid iskat heik taba2a siyesiyeh feisdeh !


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Take on Syria !

30 years of blatant and murderous hegemony and not even a whisper was ever uttered from the mouth of any of our “brothers and sisters” from the north. This very same despotic regime which inflicted over a hundred thousand of deaths in this Biblical land of milk and honey went not only unpunished, but never mentioned or even held accountable for, and here I am today expected to raise my “humanitarian” voice in anger. Why were you ALL so silent when my land was being pillaged and our women being raped? At that time you deemed it acceptable that my people had dues to pay in the name of Kaymiyeh 3arabieh?
Here you are now, my “so called” brothers and sisters seeking recognition for your new found rebellion against this same regime that once wreaked mayhem amongst my people and now is killing you by the dozens, and you are asking for refuge and a safe haven within MY 10452Km2 which you fought against.

Many before you had their own plans and misconceived ideas with regards of how easily it would be to push their own agendas in a country plagued by so many conflicting and ever changing minorities seeking to keep hold of the upper hand. What you fail to comprehend is that Lebanon, since its first independence, was never a nation; for there is no such thing as a “true Lebanese”. We are (Lebanese that is) nothing more than a bunch of fanatic bigots with the biggest superiority complex ever known to man.

Yes our ancestors invented the alphabet and the “ourjouwan” colour, yes they were tradesmen by excellence; but look at our “people” now, and they are the lowest denominator when it comes to patriotism.

You might ask, aren’t I supposed to at least shed a tear for those innocent children being murdered on a daily basis by the “ba3sist” regime? My reply would ,and will always be, name one who’s eyes watered when Maya Bashir Gemayel was murdered (by mistake).

Yes in this instance I have lost the last iota of humanity I had left, and I am now longing for the day when civil war will actually brake out (and it will) within our so called “sisterly” state in hope that I will be part of this “kowait al rade3” and repay them at least 50% of the pain their government inflicted upon MY people.

If there is a God, I hope that I might live to see the day whereby the Syrian government (present or to come) will wonder for hundreds of years as to the faith of those who are rotting in Lebanese jails and will get no answer (a tooth for a tooth the Bible said, well according to me a tooth for an entire “dentier”) .

Michel Aoun and all those who are attempting to legitimize the regime’s crimes “can eat my dirty knickers” on a daily basis.
My bitterness is so great that it has extended way beyond the regime.
The blood MY people shed will never go in vain, so if my words might sound harsh and stripped of all common decency, burn me to the stake for I do not give a damn!
The day of reckoning is coming !!!

Wlek TFEH !

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

The newly found Lebanese culture !

A while back I thought that I had nothing left to say about this land of milk and honey that I haven’t repeated over and over again; I felt like I was beating a dead horse. My words on many occasions failed me, and I found myself not being able to “ink” my thoughts. The Lebanese political arena had become so boring and repetitive that I deemed it not worthy of trying to revive my brain cells in order to write any half coherent text.
Those of you who are familiar with my ranting might wonder why I kept so silent especially with regards to all the trials and tribulations our “sisterly” state in the north was witnessing. And those of you who know me well enough would understand my silence. Well tonight I will break my silence for a short lapse of time, so bare with me.
Whilst I was attempting to watch the debate with regards to the dilemma about the proposed history books, Bashir Gemayel came to mind; and those of you who know me well enough can recall endless discussion whereby I have made it clear that I was very critical of some of the means and never was someone who could follow blindly.
Going through Bashir’s old speeches on youtube I came across a video clip from a program that use to air on MTV (and thank God it is no longer). I have no idea why I actually took the time for the clip to download (thank you minister Sahnaoui for keeping your promise for fast internet), but when I actually starting watching I was shocked. Shocked to the extent that being the masochistic fool that I am, I had to watch it till the end.
If such a program can gather so much viewers than Lebanon deserves much worse than the Syrian boot, Lebanon should be burned to the ground along with all those who make such programs a success; and maybe just like the legend of the phoenix (with a slight difference) some good will rise from the ashes.
Long gone are the days of Gaston Chikhani, Jean Calude Boulos (to whom I pay tribute and may he rest in peace), Yvette Sursock, le theatre des dix heures...etc; the only culture we are witnessing today is reflective of this big brothel they made Lebanon into.
Al sha3b yourid iskat Hayfa, Maya, May...etc !

Sunday, September 25, 2011

As far as I am concerned !

Patriarch Rai can grow his beard, wear a turban and lead us to another (devastating) divine victory.

Walid Jumblat can get on his Harley and ride unto the sunset never to be heard of again.

Nabih Berri can turn parliament into a big Roman orgy.

Samir Geagea can decide to become a monk in the hope to be canonized after his passing.

Saad Hariri can turn downtown Beirut into a red light district and become its higher paid customer.

Michel Aoun can direct and star in a new version of Mel brook’s history of the world.

Amine Gemayel can create his own line of hair care products.

Talal Arslan can open up a free psychiatric ward for all those who have an inferiority complex.

Hassan Nasrallah can get on his white horse waiving his sword (like Mar Elias) protecting all Arab widows and orphans.

As far as I am concerned, they, and all our political class, past and current might not even have a place reserved for them in hell, for the devil might be afraid that they will oust him.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hassan Nasrallah, ou l’oiseau de mauvais augure!

Sad is the day when an entire (so called) nation awaited with bated breath the speech of a self proclaimed divine protector in order to have a hint, or even an inclination as to whether this long awaited summer will be calm and prosperous, ... or not.

Hassouna (our self declared divine protector) a finalement mit les points sur les "I ".

According to him; we have to be grateful for the role the Syrian “despotic” regime has played throughout; not only the 15 years of war, but also the next 15 years of hegemony we Lebanese had to endure (at a price of many martyrs numbering in the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands), for according to “our dear Divine protector” Lebanon would have ceased to exist if it wasn't for the goodness of the Syrian heart's regime with regards to its "sisterly state" (and still we have no border demarcation).

The only “true” (and legal, according to him) resistance is that of Hizbullah, and all the rest is nothing but puppets in the hand of the greater evil that is Netenyahu (thank God his family name does not end in a double OO and not a U; than Yahoo would also be a Zionist entity), Obama, KSA, Bahrain, France, England…and the rest of the world; save Pakistan, the Taliban, Iran ….. Bashar.

Even Mikati and Suleiman had their fare share of criticism.

Get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, he shouted whilst his hand was whipping the sweat off his forehead and trying to put back the few strains of rebellious hair which kept on creeping outside his turban. Syria (or to put it in his own words SOUYiYA) is a red line, do not attempt to stab it in the back .

According to our self proclaimed divine protector, the entire universe is wrong. Bashar is nothing short of St Rita, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Mar Charbel, The prophet Mohammad, Hare Krishna, Tao, Winnie the poo…etc (all put together in order to create the most magnanimous entity ) and we should all rally behind him; for according to Hassouna what is taking place in SOUYIYA is all the doing of one Obama and one Netenyahu.

According to him the majority of the Syrian people are all for a living under oppression and those who died in their quest for freedom and dignity are nothing but a small percentage misguided by foreign "ill seeking" powers with their own devilish agendas (Lebanese devil worshipers included).

Hassouna, our Divine protector after having sweat profusely, promised us yet another more spectacular victory.
The only question that springs to my mind is : “at what cost?”

Wlek tfeh ya Hassan, go back to that same rock you crawled out of.

The only people who are still applauding your speeches are not Lebanese. And when Bashar will fall flat on his face (within time I admit) and gets shafted (with no Vaseline), the only recourse you and your "sheeple"will have, is to seek refuge in the land of “Wilayat Al Faqih”, but only if (and a big IF that is) then such a land and outdated notion still exists. Remember Neda, she is nothing but the beginning!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Syrian Karma

For over 30 years we have endured what you are JUST beginning to endure.
For over 30 years the world stood silent towards the blatant abuse your regime is now inflicting upon you (after many years of practice).
For over 30 years my country was run to the ground so that the same murderous family could keeps its power and insures its survival.
For over 30 years fear prevailed violently silencing the strongest of opposition voices.
For over 30 years mothers wept (and many are still weeping) awaiting closure on the fate of their long lost sons.
For over 30 years many have waited for this day in silence !
There is (and there should be) a part of every Lebanese rejoicing in the saying :“what goes around comes around”; but somehow this “festive” feeling is dampened by the savagery the Syrian regime is inflicting upon its own people. Such criminal acts (in some twisted feeble minds) could have been justified when done by an “occupying” power against even a “sisterly” state; but harder to digest when such cruelty is inflicted against your own people (not to use the words “your own kind”).
Today (and yesterday) I feel with my (hopefully repenting brothers and sisters) who remained silent to our plight for over 30 years. To those very same Syrian brothers and sisters I call for “Tawhid al massareyn”; in the fight for DIGNITY and freedom.
To my brothers and sisters in Syria I say :
“I forgive your silence over 30 years; better late than never. Keep up the fight and maybe one day (hopefully soon) we can both regain our dignity; DEMARCATE borders and LIVE AND LET LIVE. Keep up the struggle and once you achieve your freedom, no need to apologize for your silence and your past complacency; it’s all in the past!
For the time being, as a Lebanese who witnessed firsthand the power of the Syrian regime’s “boot”, I am rooting for you; don’t let me down. I have no aspirations whatsoever to be “invited” to your country as "KOWAT AL RADE3" and spend 30 years pillaging, murdering, and making you feel that your security and stability depends solely on the whimsy of our local dictatorial (which is not the case) president ELECTED FOR LIFE !

Sunday, May 01, 2011

L’amertume maternelle.

No matter how hard I try to phrase it and paint a nearly perfect picture; my words will always fall short. The fact is, and still remains that Joseph’s mother passed away for her heart could no longer take the incertitude and the false promises. And by saying Joseph’s mother, I am referring to Joseph Sader who’s many of you chose to forget, including Ziad Baroud. Fayez Karam still makes the headlines on a regular basis, but the simple “Joe” I guess is not news worthy.
We are too busy trying to predict the outcome of the Syrian uprising and the effect it might have on the land of the Cedars. Some are even rejoicing in advance hoping that the change in our sisterly neighboring state will bring along change for the better; but no one has even considered, taken into account, or even thought about “the devil within”.
Local political analysts, bloggers, journalists; spew texts and articles on how this “newly” found trend of freedom is going to affect this Biblical land of ours, the establishment of “Wilayet al faqih” or even the Salafist (pipe)dream; comparing Egypt, Tunis, Bahrain,Syria, Yemen…Timbuktu; they all fail
Yes the tide is changing and all around us people are rebelling; and locally we are still drowning in our own cesspool of corruption and deceit. Lebanese raise their angry voices in protest for haphazardly arrests in Syria, but all fail to even mention or even hint to the fate of the thousands Lebanese still rotting in Syrian jails.
Even if I could understand such an omission, I cannot begin to understand how many fellow Lebanese are asking for the immediate release of “opinion” prisoners in our sisterly state whilst, locally, the whereabouts of Joseph Sader is still unknown.
Shame on a “nation” (and yes it is in between brackets) that cares more for the safety of the sons of our INVADERS, and turns a deaf ear to the fact that a Lebanese mother’s heart stopped beating because of her worry as to the status of her own LEBANESE son, which until this day remains unknown.
You wannabe protectors of freedom and truth, before you take on the plight of the people of Daraa start by cleaning house; maybe then your “freedom speech” might be taken seriously.
Enough empty talk and analysis from both sides of our political divide; many of MY people are still missing both locally and in Syria. It is about time that we retake our pioneering stand, and demand clear answers from our government (or lack of) first before some of us can paint themselves as THE protectors of freedom and human rights. Vindicate Joseph’s mother!
Wlek Tfeh!